segunda-feira, 16 de agosto de 2010

WHO IS AMONG US? Quem está entre nós?


Hello Guys!

There are many Brazilians and diferent people around the world visiting our blog. I was very curious to see their places, so I decided to investigate on the Internet. I was very surprised when I saw such beautiful places where our visitors come from. Here you can see some pictures.

Olá Galera!

Há muitos brasileiros e pessoas diferentes pelo mundo visitando nosso blog. Eu estava muito curiosa para ver o lugar onde eles moram, então decidi investigar na internet. Fiquei muito surpresa quando vi lugares tão bonitos onde nossos visitantes moram. Você pode ver algumas imagens.

Joinville - Brazil  /  São Tomé - AfricaCampo Grande - Brazil  / Nasik - IndiaRecife - BrazilSyracuse - United States /  Hyderabad - India.

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS AND ALL LEVELS - Inglês para iniciantes & todos os níveis


Hi sweethearts!

Click on the link below and choose some short story, conversation, or grammar exercises in English.

Clique no link abaixo e escolha alguma estória, conversação ou exercícios de gramática em Inglês.

Please, subscribe! 


quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010



Hello fellows,

Congratulations, today is STUDENT'S DAY. That's a good moment to think about the meaning of being a student and even the meaning of EDUCATION, LEARNING and SCHOOL. Throug out history,  education has had diferent meanings, and here I present you two interesting videos with diferent conceptions of education. However, it seems that school is still far away from what we want. Which kind of education do we want? For what? What is like being a student today?

The first video is from the movie The Wall (Pink Floyd), and the second is a very contemporary movie about "Vision of Students Today". Enjoy them!

sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010



For 2,5 million years, the earth climate is fluctuated, cycling from ice ages to warm periods, but in the last century the planet’s temperature has risen unusually fast, about 1,2 to 1,4 degrees fahrenheit. Scientists believe it's human activity that is driving the temperature up, in a process known as Global Warming. Ever since the Industrial Revolution began, factories, power plants and eventually cars have burnt false fuels such as oil and coal releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide and another gases into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases trap hit near the earth through a naturally occuring process called greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect begins with the sun and the energy radiate to the earth, the earth and the atmosphere absorve some of these energy,while the rest is radiated back into space.

Naturally occuring gases and the atmosphere trap some of these energy and reflect it back warming the earth. Scientists now belive that the green house effect is been intensified by the extra greenhouse gases that human have released.

Evidence for global warming includes a risen strain of a very warm years, scientists reported that 1998 was the warmest year in major history, but 2005 coming as second mean, while reading staking from ice core, show that the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane have hit the highest levels in the past 4.2 thousands years. Arctic sea ice is also shrinking. According to NASA studies, the extent of artic sea ice declined about 10% in the last 30 years. As long as industrialized nations consume energy, and developing countries increase their false fuel consumption, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will continue to rise. Researches predict that the temperature will increase about 2 to10 degrees fahrenheit by the end of the century what is lesser in the earth rising temperature mean for the planet.

Some climate models predict several changes, others forecast rising sea level which could flood various areas around the world, weather patterns could change making hurricanes more frequent, several dries could be more common in warm areas, and species unable to adapt to the changing conditions would face extinction. 

Although much remains to be learned about global warming, many organization advocate greenhouse gases emissions to reduce the impact of global warming.
Consumers can help by saving energy around a house using the compact flourescent light bulbs, and driving fewer miles in the car each week.
These Simple changes may help keep the earth cooler in the future.



Hello Guys!

Vamos praticar um pouco do que aprendemos sobre Reduce  Reuse Recycle. Abaixo segue alguns links com atividades super bacanas que encontrei pesquisando aqui na Internet.


Vamos treinar a escrita de alguns conceitos que já aprendemos, na primeira parte você deve escolher a opção correta para cada conceito ou digitar uma palavra correspondente à imagem. Na segunda parte, você criará slogans em seu caderno para cada imagem apresentada. Ao final das atividades click na palavra DONE para ver o resultado. Você pode fazer o exercício quantas vezes quiser!


Você já ouviu falar em EARTH DAY ? A tradução da expressão é Dia do Planeta Terra. No próximo exercício você terá a oportunidade de conhecer um pouco mais sobre esse dia importante e quando ele começou a ser comemorado. Você também praticará novamente alguns conceitos já trabalhados. Ao final da atividade click na palavra DONE para ver seu desempenho. Repita quantas vezes achar necessário.


Esta é uma atividade com música, portanto não esqueça de ligar a caixa de som ou usar um fone de ouvido. Você vai ouvir uma música do Jack Johnson e completar a letra, você pode curtir o vídeo antes de começar a atividade, ao final você já sabe, é só clicar na palavra DONE para conferir. Não esqueça de postar um comentário para sua teacher contando como foi seu desempenho e avaliando as atividades.

Let's have fun!

Please, subscribe!  :*

FAMILY AND CHORES by Ana - 7ª Série 1



My name is Ana, and I'm 12 years old.  I do not like family chores, to dry the dishes is a boring chore. Chores make me feel sad, because they are stupid and boring.
I have a dog, its name is Woddy, he is lazy, cute and clumsy. He is my friend, and I have a fish, its name is Amorinha, I feed the pets every day.
My family makes me feel happy, because we are generous and nice, I love my family! I have many friends, they are nice, easygoing and awesome.
I do not like to wake up in the morning, and I wake up at 6:30am, I have breakfast and I live home about 7:00am.
On Wednesdays I have guittar classes, I usually arrive home about 6:30pm. At night I take a shower, watch TV, play computer games, brush my teeth, listen to music.
I'm going bed, bye bye!

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010




Hello dear students!

Click no link "Simpsons Family Quiz" e responda a atividade. No final, click na palavra "DONE" e confira suas respostas. Você pode fazer os exercícios quantas vezes quiser.

Simpsons Family Quiz, by Vanessa Marruche
Find this and other family exercises in English Exercises .org


Vá para a sessão II. Listening exercises  deste site,  clique no botão play e escute a conversa, depois responda as perguntas  e clique em final score e confira seu desempenho. Faça o exercício quantas vezes achar necessário.


Acesse novamente o link do exercício acima e resolva a sessão III.Vocabulary activities. São quatro exercícios, ao final de cada um clique no botão back / go back na parte superior da tela  para retornar a página principal. Esta é uma sessão com quatro exercícios.

Deixe um recado para que sua professora saiba o que você achou das atividades.

Subscribe please!